Some of our selected recent projects.

Shopping in the city
Commissioned by the City of Launceston, this project examined key drivers and barriers for shopping in the CBD. Combining the latest international and national retail research with our empirical quantitative and qualitative data (collected from city retailers and visitors) we advised Council with a series of recommendations which were all adopted and helped to inform the new city marketing program.
City retailing: issues + opportunities
Working with Burnie City Council we developed a comprehensive discussion paper on the challenges + opportunities for small city retailing and how Burnie might consider approaching city retail revitalisation in a regional city context. We also facilitated workshops for Councillors and the Council's Executive Team to identify issues and scope potential solutions for the city.

Retail greening
One of our current projects is working with a local council to investigate 'greening' retail areas in the CBD and surrounds, using temporary green interventions. Stay tuned, we'll update as this project progresses.